16. January 2024
The German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) has defined uniform requirements with regard to information security; compliance with them will be monitored through regular audits known as Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchanges or TISAX for short. These form an important foundation for business relationships within the automotive industry, ensuring security standards are complied with when working with confidential and personal data. They are also relevant to physical security, awareness of personnel, and protection of the IT infrastructure from cyber attacks.
We are therefore proud to be able to say that both companies – Fried. v. Neuman GmbH and Neuman Aluminium Strangpresswerk GmbH – have successfully completed the TISAX certification. However, the significance of being certified TISAX goes far beyond a simple commitment to information security, secure development processes and protecting communications. It also strengthens the bond of trust between customers and partners, facilitating collaboration around the world. From top quality chassis components, system components and products relating to e-mobility and safety to ADAS and electronic components, Neuman Aluminium has won the support of global automobile manufacturers and suppliers with solutions that prioritize lightweight construction while simultaneously placing the highest demands on the material used.
“We would like to thank our team for all their dedication and hard work, as well as our customers and partners for placing their trust in us. TISAX certification is not simply an achievement, but rather an ongoing obligation to maintain the highest standards in information security,” explains Managing Director Georg Feith.
The outcome can only be viewed via the ENX portal. The official TISAX website can be accessed at https://enx.com/en-us/TISAX/.
TISAX is a registered trademark and is the responsibility of the ENX Association.